B is for Basketball

B is for Basketball

What do you do with it: You can play a 5v5 tournament with it, you can shoot it around, you can play king’s court and much more. In my opinion, basketball isn’t a game, it’s an art. There is so much that can be done on the court, you can try to trick people with your handles to finish at the rim. You can craft your own handles, to trick your opponent. You can be a player who can be a catch and shoot type of player, do a lot of handles and finish at the rim(something I personally do), or play under the rim to lay it in.

I love playing basketball, no matter what time of day it is. Even though, if it was the middle of the night and someone asked me if I am down for a game of basketball. I would say I am down. That’s how much love I have towards the game of basketball. I am the type of guy to play basketball inside the house, indoors in the gym and outside on a school playground. During winter times, if I am unable to go play basketball in the gym, I just end up playing my video game that is called NBA 2K. It sums up, about the same amount of fun for me as playing it in real life. In summer times, I am outdoors most of the time enjoying the sun and playing basketball in a school playground near my house.

I always practice a lot, when I am on the court and try my best whenever I am playing a tournament. I always have the hunger, of getting better and better at the sport. Even though, I never tried out for the school basketball team. I am interested in playing it at college/ university level. I am going to try out for it in whichever post-secondary I go to. In order to make it to the college and or university team. I am going to have to put in a lot of work before the season begins, so I have decided that from this summer. I am going to play basketball for 5 hours minimum every day, except maybe on the days when I am gone on vacation. I am going to make myself a very good rim finisher over summer and work on getting my basketball handles better. I am going to set goals, and achieve them before I play on teams. So I can give it my best on the court and for the team.

My life is also like a game of basketball. In my life, there are also a lot of up and down’s, and I need to hard on them to make my life a little easier. The first goal is to work on my English more since I am going into business. No matter what field in business I head into, there is a strong advantage to having a proficient English level skill set. My second goal is to be accountable and build the right amount of maturity to be able to be successful in life. These are the goals I want to work on improving, just as I want to improve my game in basketball.

The image below is from a basketball player, called Kyrie Irving. Whose thoughts that I connect with and what has inspired me to write this blog.

Image result for basketball is an art form

