
Part A: You, the writer

Before this course, the only creative writing work I did was back in grade 9. When I had to write down whatever I felt like and how my day was in a journal. It wasn’t anything fancy like Edublogs. I was able to write down some good things, but I wasn’t the best writer compared to where I’ve gotten to today. Back then, I struggled with writing because I was new to the education system over here. Even though, I studied in English back in India. The English over here is a much more complex usage of it then it was back home. I’ve gotten much better since then, but still not the best so, I am still working on that. I’ve started developing my own writing style and voice more since last year by just writing in my free time and reading books. But ever since, I’ve been trying to do new things. Even though  I’ve improved a lot since past, I try a lot of different genres, like scientific, horror, action and romance. But I think I should try to make up my mind, and master one. My writing style requires a lot of imagination, something that still needs more work. I need to learn how to be more specific. I’ve gotten better on that since the past, but I think I can do better. The best advice, I can give to the future creative writing students is just to write more. Write about anything, you want. It may sound boring, but as you’re writing. Your writing flow is going to improve, and you can test out different styles and it also helps you improve on your grammar. That’s how my grammar started improving since last year. For my future writing, I am most likely going to have to read a lot of books, articles and since I’m doing business at post-secondary. I need to keep improving on my writing, which is probably going to be done by something like a journal that I would invest in, to write in during my free time. My writing this year in the creative writing class especially, helped me share my thoughts and it has definitely helped the way my writing flows. Because of this class, I’ve also gotten a chance to open about things. I normally wouldn’t share with people that I don’t know really well.

Part B: You, the Blogger

I am happy with, the way my blog is. I wish I had more time to make it a little fancier. But I like to keep things simple so I wouldn’t get distracted from reading the piece. I love the plain page, with the image of my role model(Lebron James) on the top. I wish I could’ve made the theme more basketball-related because most of my writing is about basketball. But I didn’t know how to browse more themes, then the common ones that showed up first to make my page look fancier. If I took this class last year, then I would’ve definitely known more about how to use Edublogs more in-depth. After this course, I will come back and visit most likely compare my writing to what I will have then when compared to now. That will be about it. I am going to follow my 2 friend’s blogs from the class. I love how their writing styles are improving and getting more and more creative. That’s the biggest reason why I would love to come to check on my grade 10 friend’s Amrinder and Zak on how their writing has changed. I haven’t explored any professional bloggers, not related to this course. But I’ve read professional blogger’s blog on other things, such as workout guides and news.

Part C: You, the Student

I think it was from hearing what some people wrote down in the class when they were presenting their blogs, is something that inspired me to have that type of writing style for my blog. It was amazing to see how many various topics that were covered and what their own opinions were on them. For reading, I think I definitely could start reading books more. Even though, I’m done with grade 12. I should start reading more about news related articles since I am going into business, I think that would be a huge advantage. But this year, as a reader I’ve only read 2 books in the entire year that were not assigned by the English 30 course. I spent most of my time reading the books that are related to the course in ELA. At the moment, I am not reading any books because I have a diploma and things going on. But the last book I read was a Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. Once, my diplomas are finished. I’m going to start reading more science fiction; some that I want to read are Ready Player One and I Robot. But this semester in total, I’ve finished a total of 5 books. My favourite book this semester was A Thousand Splendid Suns. I feel like A Thousand Splendid Suns and a little bit of King Lear, by Shakespeare are the ones that really affected my writing more in a good way. They helped me improve more, on my writing structure. Reading more and more has helped me improve on a lot of things in my writing style. It’s not properly at grade level, but it’s definitely improving. My next steps to improve as a writer would be, just read and practice writing more in my personal journal. Since I can’t take Creative Writing next year, that is my only way to improve on my writing.

Image result for a thousand splendid sunsImage result for king lear book

Part D: You, the Fan

Writer Seminar: As I mentioned above, A Thousand Splendid Suns was one of my favourite books that I read this year. It was a very unique and interesting story and has helped me work on my sentence structure. I used to struggle with writing down sentences properly, but reading more and more books. Especially, A Thousand Splendid Suns, it has helped me improve my writing structure drastically. I’m glad I was introduced to Khaled Hosseini. Another author, I would be interested in researching would be Shakespeare, the author of King Lear. Even though, I’ve read a lot of his pieces already in my classes. I think I will enjoy reading more of his books. I like the type of theme’s Shakespeare uses. That’s one of the reasons why I like to read his books. I want to know more about the old era.

Blogger: There isn’t a particular blog, that I keep coming back to check up on their work for inspiration. I believe that all the individuals, who’re enrolled in this course can be a source of inspiration. Like, Amrinder’s blog is something I come back and visit sometimes for the different types of the way he does his writing because his theme is about cars. I also like Liam’s blog because it has really fancy visuals and interesting pieces. Both of these individuals have changed the way I write my blogs and try to be creative with them. I’m inspired by a lot of people’s blogs, I look at the theme of the individual’s blog and if I find that interesting, I look into it. I haven’t really commented on anyone’s blogs but just exploring around has introduced me to a lot of things I didn’t know about.

Part E: You, the Critic of Your Work

Fresh Starts –

I simply called the title, what the theme of the essay was heading towards. The title is just talking about how I can’t wait for a fresh start. My piece is talking about, how I went through struggling for where I’m today to getting used to the system. I can’t wait to start fresh, after facing the struggles and mistakes in my new life. My purpose for this piece was to give people the message of how starting things again would be like in my life. Lebron James inspired me to write this piece, because of looking at his struggles. The writing style I used was very simple, I just used a flow to connect 3 paragraph’s about my struggle’s. I really loved this piece because it talk’s a lot about what I was going through and am going through.

Float with the Boat –

I simply called the title, “Float with the Boat”, because the theme is talking about how I’m just rolling with life and I’m not letting a lot of pressure get to me. My piece is talking about, how there is so much pressure and expectation’s about, me graduating and getting into the post-secondary program I want to take. My purpose for this piece was to give people the message of what the expectations are like and what the pressure is in grade 12. Lebron James once again has inspired me to write this piece because this is his quote. The writing style I used was very simple, I just connected the 2 paragraph’s and just continued writing about a different topic but the same theme. This is my second favourite piece because it is talking about the struggles I’m facing.